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Writer's pictureYvette Bernosky

My Mission

I was in the best shape of my life, having been a trainer at that time for fourteen years. My daily routine consisted of starting the day off with a healthy breakfast, working with clients till early afternoon and then off to my workout whether it was hitting the gym, bike riding or taking a long walk on the beach. The ideal life of health, fitness and following my passion for helping others.

Then in an instant it all turned around. I became depressed, stopped following through on my training and turned to food for comfort. I put on twenty pounds over the next several months. I always look back and think about how my clients stuck with me regardless. You see I had to do the most difficult thing I ever had to do in my life..

While visiting my mother one day, I heard her let out a scream and as I ran into her bedroom she was sitting there holding her head in pain. She was suffering from a brain aneurysm. The next three weeks in the hospital was a difficult road that ended in needing to make that call to say goodbye.

Many times in life something occurs that could be traumatic or devastating that throws us off track. Or, it could be something as simple as our daily routines change. When these occurrences happen, very commonly one of the first things people do is cave into unhealthy habits as a coping mechanism.

I finally woke up one morning sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I wanted the old Yvette back! The one who was happy, healthy, living life with vitality and passion.

I decided that I needed to regain my health and take charge of my life. It was at that moment that my mission statement was born:

Empowering people to regain their health and take charge of their lives.

If I couldn’t do it for myself, how could I help others? I got back on track with my fitness routine, and after going through months of grief and sadness and deep emotional pain, I slowly started to feel like the old me again.

I understand first hand how difficult it can be when we go through life’s tough and heart breaking moments to put yourself on the back burner. From someone who has been there, let me tell you that you can recover, you can regain your health and take charge of your life, and if you need someone to come alongside and help you on your journey, know that I’m here for you.

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