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Certified Personal Trainer Yvette Bernosky began her career at a local fitness club in Sarasota in 1989. The part-time job led to an exciting career
in the fitness industry.


"I was very fortunate to have a mentor who encouraged me to become a personal trainer. I began working with members one-on-one, and a short time later, I became an aerobic instructor for the club. The rest is history!"


For over three decades, she has worked with a diverse clientele, including business professionals, Miss Florida pageant winners, and people of all ages and fitness levels. She specializes in working with a mature population, helping them walk into
their later years with confidence

Yvette's approach to fitness is deeply rooted in her client's well-being. She considers their health concerns and conditions to create the most
personalized workout plans possible. Yvette invests time in understanding the health conditions that may impact a client's training ability and how to
accommodate these conditions in the safest and most effective way.

Yvette holds multiple diversified certifications and continues her professional development by attending health and fitness conferences and
classes. Further balancing her course of study, Yvette has traveled throughout the world and participated in various kinds of fitness programs
and events. This has provided her with a broad fitness perspective and new avenues for reaching, inspiring, and educating her clients. She is always on a quest to learn new and exciting ways to train her clients.

She co-created a continuing education program, Medical Exercise Protocols for the Personal Trainer, with Dr. Joseph Koshes - Sports Chiropractic Physician and Physical Therapist. Yvette has owned her training center since 2009. Additionally, Yvette has outfitted and created floor plans for seven fitness centers. She has been the Wellness & Athletic Director for a prestigious Southwest Florida Golf & Country Club since 2018, and is also a presenter and a writer.

Yvette is genuinely passionate about physical fitness and knows with certainty that this is the path she was meant to follow. "My work is
gratifying; I love helping people achieve their goals. Whenever I have focused on other potential business ventures, my passion for helping
others pulls me back here, empowering people to live to their full potential.”


Yvette's  Education & Certifications:


· Personal Trainer - American Council on Exercise


· Personal Trainer - Aerobic & Fitness Association of America


· Executive Business Coach - Robbins-Madanes


· Bachelor of Metaphysical Science


· High-Performance Academy - Brendon Burchard












· Resistance Training Specialist - Aerobic & Fitness Association of     America


· Aerobic Instructor - Aerobic & Fitness Association of America


· Kickboxing Instructor - Aerobic & Fitness Association of America

· Certified Fitness Director/Studio Owner - A.C.E. ceptu43

· Boot Camp Instructor - American Boot Camp Corporation

· Aquatic Instructor - Aquatic Exercise Associations

· Aquatic Instructor - SCW

· CEU Provider - American Council on Exercise for Medical Exercise Protocol

· Spinning Instructor - Maddog Athletics

· Nutritional Counselor - Shapes Family Fitness


· Nautilus Instructor - Nautilus Corporation


· 3 years of Tae Kwon Do Training with Master Hong & Su Cho




Yvette's personalized approach to training sets her apart in the industry. She believes that every client is unique and tailors her training programs to meet individual needs.


She offers a comprehensive approach that includes mindset and lifestyle changes. Let Yvette help you to achieve your fitness goals while offering the necessary support to keep you motivated.


Call today for a 15 minute complimentary consultation. 





Online Fitness

You want results, but can't always get to the gym?  No problem!  Through Yvette's online coaching program, you can still achieve the results you want from the comfort of your own home, and it doesn't matter where you live!


Through a custom Zoom video link, she has trained people in California, Colorado, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont and even people in our own city who enjoy the convenience of training in home.


As a coach, Yvette helps people get real results through personal support and guidance. 


Call today for a 15 minute complimentary consultation to see if Zoom training is the right fit for you. 



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